WordPress Templates Free Blogger / Blogspot
When using a pre-designed templates that Blogger provides, there is always a navigation bar at the top of your browser.
This bar allows you to browse at random to other blogs, plus it allows us to find a blog in particular, among other extras.
For many people (including myself) is pleased to have a navigation bar "standard" on top and that often does not match the design of our blog or simply not to our liking.
To hide this bar only have to follow some few steps.
While in the desktop we head blogger Layout link and we click.
Then we click on the "Edit HTML".
Here we will stick the following lines of code within de las etiquetas < style > y < /style > :
#navbar-iframe {
Ahora solo debemos de guardar la plantilla y queda listo... Ya hemos escondido la barra de navegación de Blogger.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
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Las meta tags son las etiquetas usadas en html para describir nuestro sitio, además son estas etiquetas las que usan los search engines to find the topic and whether the item is on your website or blog. are very important to generate a good traffic and positioning in search engines like google, yahoo, msn, etc.
Another important aspect of meta tags is that they allow a better and proper indexing of your website or blog to these search engines.
The 2 most important meta tags for search engines are:
- meta description: As the name implies, allows us to describe the contents of our page or blog.
- meta keyword: Contains the keywords of our
To add meta tags is very easy, being in the Blogger dashboard we click on the link "Design."
Once we are on page layout editing we click on the "Edit Html" Copy the following code:
\u0026lt;meta content = ' Description of your blog 'name =' description '/>
Keywords content=' \u0026lt;meta 'name='keywords'/>
\u0026lt;meta content=' Author Name' name='author'/>
seek the next line Source:
\u0026lt;b:includable data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
We stick copy the code below previous mind and that's it we added the meta tags to your blog.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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Keyword Density Optimize the titles in Blogger / Blogspot
If you have a blog or website may have heard of Backlinks, well many search engines including Google use these links to give prominence to blogs or websites.
A backlink is a link or link that has a web page to another external website, for example, has a link to webxiss.blogspot.com www.your-blog.com, is said to www.your-blog. com has a backlink webxiss.blogspot.com. A clear example of backlinks on blogs is when you find a tool, image, article, etc. elsewhere and you share your putting a link from your blog to that tool, image, article, etc.
If you have a blog or website may have heard of Backlinks, well many search engines including Google use these links to give prominence to blogs or websites.
A backlink is a link or link that has a web page to another external website, for example, has a link to webxiss.blogspot.com www.your-blog.com, is said to www.your-blog. com has a backlink webxiss.blogspot.com. A clear example of backlinks on blogs is when you find a tool, image, article, etc. elsewhere and you share your putting a link from your blog to that tool, image, article, etc.
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Elegant web button in Photoshop
If you want to generate more traffic to your blog or website a very simple way is to index your site to search engines.
Here are some tools which perform automatic indexing our site in over 100 different search engines:
If you want to generate more traffic to your blog or website a very simple way is to index your site to search engines.
Here are some tools which perform automatic indexing our site in over 100 different search engines:
- Free Search Engine Submission: performs the indexing of our site in over 100 search engines, offers the option to select our own search engines to which we wish to send our url, all I ask in return is to show a button in one of your page or blog. The button to show it:
- SubmitShop : it gives us a list of up to 120 search engines so that we can index our website.
- EARL's : a list of search engines in English, English, French, Portuguese for us to index our url smoothly.
Monday, March 23, 2009
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organic search What is this?
Surfing the net I came across a useful tool but that maybe because it seemed to me very funny the tool is a calculator that estimates the value which you can pay for your blog or website.
The direction of the tool for the visit and check out the value of your blog or website is: Cubestat,
its operation is based on an algorithm that takes into account your visitors and advertise your space.
addition to give the monetary value of your blog also gives us other interesting facts, like your position in the ranking of alexa, pagerank, pages indexed in Google, Yahoo, your daily visits, among other things.
Surfing the net I came across a useful tool but that maybe because it seemed to me very funny the tool is a calculator that estimates the value which you can pay for your blog or website.
The direction of the tool for the visit and check out the value of your blog or website is: Cubestat,
its operation is based on an algorithm that takes into account your visitors and advertise your space.
addition to give the monetary value of your blog also gives us other interesting facts, like your position in the ranking of alexa, pagerank, pages indexed in Google, Yahoo, your daily visits, among other things.
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Image Optimization for better search engine position
In my post I never made a fully directed to WordPress and I think it's time to do it, no doubt WordPress and Blogger blog services are the most used in my previous post talk of templates for Blogger , now I will show you several places where we can find WordPress templates, no matter the topic of your blog.
In all the sites listed above you will find templates for WordPress on any subject, sports, music, shows, etc..
In my post I never made a fully directed to WordPress and I think it's time to do it, no doubt WordPress and Blogger blog services are the most used in my previous post talk of templates for Blogger , now I will show you several places where we can find WordPress templates, no matter the topic of your blog.
In all the sites listed above you will find templates for WordPress on any subject, sports, music, shows, etc..
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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When we have a blog, we want to be unique and give it our seal, add widgets, change the typeface, etc.
undoubtedly modify the template es una de las primeras cosas que deseamos hacer, muchas de las plantillas con que cuenta Blogger no logran satisfacernos al 100%, quizá en un inicio solo modifiquemos algunas pequeñas cosas o si nos aventuramos a realizar nuestra propia plantilla desde cero es una tarea laboriosa y nos consumira mucho tiempo, lo mejor que podemos hacer es conseguir una plantilla prediseñada de esas que rondan en la web.
Existen de muchos tipos y estilos diferentes, practicamente cubren todas las áreas posibles ya sea que tu blog hable de música, deportes, política, actualidad, moda o cualquier otro tema.
A continuación te presento una lista de lugares donde encontraras plantillas para Blogger and best of all, you are 100% free.
When we have a blog, we want to be unique and give it our seal, add widgets, change the typeface, etc.
undoubtedly modify the template es una de las primeras cosas que deseamos hacer, muchas de las plantillas con que cuenta Blogger no logran satisfacernos al 100%, quizá en un inicio solo modifiquemos algunas pequeñas cosas o si nos aventuramos a realizar nuestra propia plantilla desde cero es una tarea laboriosa y nos consumira mucho tiempo, lo mejor que podemos hacer es conseguir una plantilla prediseñada de esas que rondan en la web.
Existen de muchos tipos y estilos diferentes, practicamente cubren todas las áreas posibles ya sea que tu blog hable de música, deportes, política, actualidad, moda o cualquier otro tema.
A continuación te presento una lista de lugares donde encontraras plantillas para Blogger and best of all, you are 100% free.
- BTemplates
- Templates Blogger templates
- Eblog
- BlogSkins
Friday, March 20, 2009
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It is called "Keyword Density (Keyword density) to the amount in percentage (%) of occurrences of a keyword or phrase within a page, relative to the total number of words of that page,
The formula to calculate the keyword density is:
(CAKEP / PTP) * 100
CAKEP = Number of Occurrences of Specific Keyword in the page
PTP = total words in the page
To better explain the point consider the following example:
Keywords or Keyword: words, key , SEO
This is a sample text that talks about key words and their meaning SEO the key words are a medium SEO to see if a website or blog is relevant to a certain group of words key or key phrases ...
In the text above if you search the keyword individually, we have the following result:
"words" - appears three times in the text
"key" - appears three times in the text
"SEO" - appears twice in the text
So if we know the density of the keyword "SEO " we must do the following operation:
(CAKEP / PTP) * 100 = (2 / 44) * 100
(2 / 44) = 0,045 * 100 = 4.5
density the keyword "SEO" in the text above is 4.5%. As you can see is very simple to obtain this value, the problem comes when we get the total density of keywords on our site, it would be a daunting task, fortunately there are places where we know the density of keywords in our website or blog then present a list of options we can use:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
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As I mentioned earlier the title is an extremely important element for search engines and is therefore a powerful tool for good placement on them.
In Blogger unfortunately when we enter a new entry appears in the title siguiene way:
As I mentioned earlier the title is an extremely important element for search engines and is therefore a powerful tool for good placement on them.
In Blogger unfortunately when we enter a new entry appears in the title siguiene way:
blog name d enuestro - Title our entry
This is not good because, according to the principle of precedence tells us that the far left is a word in the title, achieved stronger positioning.
For example, if my new post talks about how we can optimize the titles in Blogger, do not want the words highlighted in this entry is the full title of my blog, but is optimize the titles in blogger.
Si queremos cambiar esto, tendremos que modificar un poco nuestro código html, el primer paso es dirigirnos a la pestaña "Diseño" y damos clic en la opcíon "Edición de Html".
Aquí buscamos la siguiente linea de código:
Y la sustituimos por las siguientes lineas de código:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> images for better search engine positioning.
For example, if my new post talks about how we can optimize the titles in Blogger, do not want the words highlighted in this entry is the full title of my blog, but is optimize the titles in blogger.
Si queremos cambiar esto, tendremos que modificar un poco nuestro código html, el primer paso es dirigirnos a la pestaña "Diseño" y damos clic en la opcíon "Edición de Html".
Aquí buscamos la siguiente linea de código:
Y la sustituimos por las siguientes lineas de código:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> images for better search engine positioning.
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Here we present another tutorial to design web buttons
1. Generate the work canvas
- Open Photoshop and generate the canvas work, this time set the size of liezno to: 100px wide by 40px tall and white background color # ffffff.
- 2. Dibu button area select the tool "Rounded Rectangle" (U) and set its radius to 5px, then draw the button area on the canvas work .
3. Establecemos los estilos de capa
Nos dirigimos al menú Capa >> Estilo de capa >> Opciones de fusión... y establecemos los valores como aparece en las imagenes: 4. Agregamos brillo al botón Seleccionamos la herramienta "Rectángulo redondeado" y establecemos un radio de 10px, dibujamos un rectando pequeño como se muestra en la imagen .
5. Cambiamos la opacidad de la capa Primero give a right click on the layer brightness and seek the "Raterizar layer" and we click on it, having done that we went to the opacity of the layer and set to 8%
. 6. Add text Select the Text Tool (T) and type the text you want on the button area and set the layer style as shown in the picture below.
And we finished our web button the result is the following:
Other web design tutorials that might interest you:
Photoshop Web Buttons
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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Surfing the net I've encountered in many forums with the following question: What is organic search?. Well, the organic search results refers to the lists link on the results pages of a particular search engine, links more relevant to search terms appear first, leaving aside this paid links to the search engine.
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The images are a very important element of our website, therefore the optimization is very effective to improve our positioning in search engines. All images can have a defined file name and an attribute "alt", which we can take advantage.
- The label "alt" allows us to specify the text that may appear instead of the image, if it can not be shown by cuaquier reason (not the image was found, feeding problems, etc).
The alt attribute serves as anchor text when an image is used as a link, the optimizations of this attribute and the file name of your image makes it easier for search engines understand your website.
A good practice of optimizing images is to use file names and text in "alt" short but descriptive, avoiding using generic names like "imagen1.jpg" or "pic.png" whenever possible, do not use very long file names or fill out the label "alt" with many keywords. Use
text alt attribute when using images as links, avoid writing long texts on "alt", as can be seen as spam. And last tip stores your images into a single directory, instead of image files scattered in different directories and subdirectories for all your domain.
related entries theme:
Optimization for better search engine positioning Optimize the titles in Blogger / Blogspot.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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Making money on the internet without investing anything, so as you read my friend, you can generate profits without spending money alone time and effort, maybe this is a recurrent topic on the Internet, but believe it true, may not win both to stop working (perhaps initially not), but raised its earnings do.
How can we achieve this?, Well, there are several options to do, from writing a blog, comment on forums to design and manage a website.
But come in parts, started by the blog, you can create your own blog in minutes and this is free, there are many blog services online, one of the most used is
- Blogger In this blog you can talk about whatever you want, experts recommend that you discuss issues dominate, and tending our blog, how can we monetize it using Google AdSense tool, the service is simple and well known use, plus it is very easy to integrate with Blogger, if you want to generate revenue with your blog should have a good traffic towards, a click here to go to my guide of "how to generate traffic for my blog.
- If what you want is to have a website and generate revenue with it because you have to do is have a good idea for that site to generate traffic to it, here things change a bit as it takes accommodation for our site, to complement our text images and publicize it, well, there are free web hosting that we offer very good options, the best I think is
110mb.com is free, do not add advertising to your site allows the use of php and databases. images we can get for free from the site
Como ven solo debemos de trabajar un poco y ofrecer calidad a nuestros usuarios y generaremos dinero por Internet.
Monday, March 16, 2009
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El día de hoy nos complace anunciar que
realizamos algunos cambios en la plantilla de nuestro blog, todo con simple meta de ser mejores cada días
, seguimos con nuestro mismo plan, ofrecer contenido de calidad y útil para nuestros lectores, no desistiremos en esta tarea que llevamos a cabo con mucho gusto, esperen nuevas
sorpresa por parte de su blog favorito de diseño.
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The official blog of Google webmaster, we can find some pretty good videos, which explain how to use these tools get it here for you to see or you can give
click here to go to the official blog.
First video of the series
Third video in the series
Fourth Series
video Fifth Series
sixth and final series video
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