Las meta tags son las etiquetas usadas en html para describir nuestro sitio, además son estas etiquetas las que usan los search engines to find the topic and whether the item is on your website or blog. are very important to generate a good traffic and positioning in search engines like google, yahoo, msn, etc.
Another important aspect of meta tags is that they allow a better and proper indexing of your website or blog to these search engines.
The 2 most important meta tags for search engines are:
- meta description: As the name implies, allows us to describe the contents of our page or blog.
- meta keyword: Contains the keywords of our
To add meta tags is very easy, being in the Blogger dashboard we click on the link "Design."
Once we are on page layout editing we click on the "Edit Html" Copy the following code:
Keywords content=' \u0026lt;meta 'name='keywords'/>
\u0026lt;meta content=' Author Name' name='author'/>
seek the next line Source:
\u0026lt;b:includable data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
We stick copy the code below previous mind and that's it we added the meta tags to your blog.
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