Tuesday, June 23, 2009

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Show recent posts for specific category

Many blogger today are inclined to use WordPress, as well for them, here I I have a good trick with which you can display the most recent post for a specific category.

As you know to show recent WordPress post using this:

\u0026lt;h2> Recent Posts \u0026lt;/ h2>
\u0026lt;? Php get_archives ('postbypost', 6);?>
\u0026lt;/ ul>

But how can we show the specific post for a particular category?, Just what we need to sustitur Previous by the following:

\u0026lt;? php $ Recent = new WP_Query ("cat = 1 & showposts = 10") while ($ recent-> have_posts ()): $ recent- > the_post ();?>
\u0026lt;li> \u0026lt;a href = "\u0026lt;? php the_permalink ()?>" rel = "bookmark">
\u0026lt;? Php the_title ();?>
\u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;? Php endwhile;?>
\u0026lt;/ ul>

cat = 1 Here is our category ID number and showposts = 10 are our recent spost counter specific category.

Ok, when you add this code to your sidebar.php file, you must check the specific ID for the category, this can be done from the admin panel, manage, categories.

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Dairy Key, template for WordPress

Searching the net, we find this beautiful template for WordPress, which
enjoy it
Wordpress Template "Dairy Key"

Description: Template to 3 columns, consists of 4 colors, is a very elegant template for personal use.
Website: Free WordPress templates and themes
Download here

Saturday, June 20, 2009

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5 Free blogger templates for HTML

Below is a selection of various templates that we use in our blog hosted on Blogger. The topics of the templates are varied, ranging from sports to business.

All these templates are available to download for free, just give a click on the title and will go directly to the original download page.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language very easy to use and allows you to develop or build web pages. The objective is to enable describe hypertext HTML, which is text, which is presented in a structured and enjoyable.
addition to supplement that text with items such as:
  • Hyperlinks Images Sound
  • Flash Presentation Video and more ...
An HTML document is written in the form of tags, surrounded by angle brackets, commonly known as the signs of greater than or less than (\u0026lt;>) . By convention, HTML files use the. Html or. Htm

Html History

In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was an independent contractor at CERN (European Organization for Research Nuclear), proposed a prototype project known ENQUIRE, whose goal was to allow the use and disclosure of documents between CERN researchers.

The year was 1989 when Tim Berners-Lee and Mr. Robert Cailliau submitted separate proposals for the creation of a hypertext system based on Internet that would fulfill the same functions as the project Enquirer.

For our Fortunately, in the years after Tim and Robert worked together to develop the project WorldWideWeb (W3)
, which was accepted by CERN and later became known today HTML. First

HTML specification

The first publicly available description of HTML was a document called "HTML Tags" (HTML tags), the text was first mentioned on the Internet by Tim Berners-Lee himself later 1991. This document described

22 items that formed the first version of the language, it is noteworthy that 13 of these elements still exist in newer versions (HTML 4), also exhibited HTML is a formatting language for text and images, which is used by browsers to provide a dynamic format to web pages. Berners-Lee

consider at first the HTML as an application of SGML, but it was until 1993 that it was formally defined in a publication by the IETF in the first proposal for the specification of HTML.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Introduction to Linear vs. hypertext documents

first thing we consider when designing a document or set of Web pages is that it is a hypertext document and not of a linear document, like maybe a book.

When writing a book, the author arranges the chapters sequentially to match the exposure that he intends to perform. While reading the book can go directly to a chapter in particular, it has been written to be read out line.

On the other hand, when developing a Web document we must consider that it may happen that a user visits a page or set of pages in particular directly without reading the rest of the document.

In a hypertext document find links within the page that will allow us to go directly to any part of the document.

Here's a chart to see the structure of a document designed for the Web:

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World Wide Web

Undoubtedly the great expansion that has suffered in recent years, the Internet is due to the emergence of "web pages."

Words World Wide Web or simply Web, refer to the abstract set of information that can be found in cyberspace.

The World Wide Web creator Tim Bernes-Lee is that in the year of 1989 began to develop a simple way to present multimedia information across the network. The foundation of the Internet is a set of protocols that allow information sharing across the Internet.

The appearance of the first Web browser or reader, was developed by the National Center for Supercomputing (NCSA for its acronym in English) in 1992 and this marked the beginning of the popularization of the World Wide Web.

The protocol used by Web servers and clients is called HTTP (HyperText Transmission Protocol). One reason for the success of the World Wide Web lies in the fact that the HTTP protocol is capable of handling various Internet protocols such as:
  • FTP Gopher WAIS
Most web servers are based on UNIX, but now technology-based servers are Windows and Macintosh gradually gaining a greater market share.

In contrast, the dominant operating system for web browsers is the Windows, Internet Explorer remains the most used, followed closely by Firefox and Opera.