Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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What is a blog? - Definition of electronic log

is almost certain that if you surf the net, we have heard the word "blog" a few times (if not many) and has this late in the game for sure we know what it means.

But if not and you wonder what is a blog?, Do not worry, you've come to the right place to change that, well, a blog is an electronic logbook or website where they collect or empty texts and / or articles in chronological order.

These articles also called post, can be written by the author of the blog or by different authors, and these texts can be modified or deleted by the owner at any time. Note that when we enter such a site is always displayed first post with the most recent date.

A blog can speak or comment on anything, any topic you like it or master it, you can include it. Types


In the universe of Internet we can find two general types of blogs:

  • Personal: blogs are those that arise from the individual and collective initiative, but not enjoy the shelter or support of large institutions.

  • Corporate: are blogs created by companies and institutions, to serve as an alternative communication and diversification of content and service delivery to their users or customers.

Another type of classification made mainly by the blog directories, which follows a thematic arrangement.